Quad City International Airport hero image art of jet in sky

Quad Cities International Airport

The Partnership

When leadership at Quad Cities International Airport set out to evolve its brand, they understood the importance of aligning their vision with the perceptions of the community. Through our Firebrand Process, we used research to assure the evolution of the airport’s brand was authentic to the perceptions of those who use it. Then we built messaging and a visual identity to bring the brand to life. The result? The QC Airport has been reenergized to chart a bold new course for the future.

Quad City International Airport Logos
Quad City International Airport Go For It banner art with young passenger couple
Quad City International Airport Mobile Website

First-class digital ExpEriEncE

Travelers want a seamless air travel experience from start to finish, and that begins with an intuitive online presence. MindFire developed a site that is easy to navigate and fully responsive, ensuring that travelers can quickly find the information they need. As technology evolves, we’ve continued to work with the airport to integrate interactive elements into the digital experience

ConnEcting thE QC to nEw dEstinations

What happens when the airport scores a new route? We high five, and then quickly get to work promoting the route with high quality creative. When the airport announced a new daily route to Charlotte, a major airline hub, the MindFire team had just five days to make a big impact. No matter the route or airline, together we’ve collaborated with the airport’s team to create high quality brand touchpoints, no matter the timeline.

QCIA Project Gate Way ArtQCIA Quick and Convenient Walkway Art

“Working with the MindFire team has quickly elevated the airport’s brand, enabling us to implement creative, memorable and strategic campaigns that drive regional growth through true partnership and collaboration.”

Ashleigh Davis, Public Relations and Marketing Manager

StratEgic campaigns

Over the years, we’ve collaborated to create countless marketing campaigns with an emphasis on brand voice to craft scroll-stopping creative and differentiate from other regional airports. Our seasonal campaigns highlight core brand elements in memorable ways through digital and traditional mediums.

two people in cart in QCIA terminal
QCI terminal food court photo
Plane hanging from ceiling of QCIA terminal