
Working from home: How we’re adjusting

February 1, 2021 | MindFire Team

What a year 2020 was?! And so it continues…

When the COVID-19 pandemic changed our way of life last March, most of our Arsonists transitioned to working remotely. And while it was quite the change, we found ways to make it work. From countless video brainstorm sessions to a few virtual parties, we discovered new ways of working together and having fun together.

MindFire Arsonists headshots

That’s why we’re sharing our burning tips for successfully working from home. After all, as we start another year in similar circumstances, wouldn’t it be good to take inventory and ensure our working situation is working its best?

Check out these hot tips from Arsonists working from home!

Dre's headshot Make it feel like the office.

“The office culture at MindFire CANNOT be beat. I brought home everything to make my home office seem as close to my work desk as possible. For example, I brought home my actual office chair. And yes, even my lip glosses! On weekends, my husband and I close the door (so our girls stay out) and it’s like ‘out of sight, out of mind.’”

  • Dre Manor, Design Arsonist

Amanda's headshot Utilize the extra time.

“Honestly, I find myself enjoying the ability to work from home. I’m able to be more productive over my lunch hour (switching laundry, tidying up, cooking healthier lunches, etc.), and I like not having to factor in a commute to work (even if it’s barely over 30 minutes there and back).”

  • Amanda Bertolozzi, Marketing Arsonist

Designate a place for work.Jen Schroder's headshot

“It was only my second day at MindFire when we transitioned into a remote environment. It was weird to meet a majority of the Arsonists virtually, but I managed to get into a good groove by setting a schedule. Sitting at a designated spot with the least amount of distractions really helps get your mind into ‘work mode.’”

  • Jen Schroder, Social Arsonist

Erin's headshot If possible, find a working space away from the kids.

“Pivoting back to working from home wasn’t an issue for me. What was a major adjustment was working from home WITH my entire family also home. Since April, my husband has been caring for our two children at home while I work. Imagine working in a corner of a daycare having to take client calls with cartoons blaring in the background. In the morning, I quietly sneak into my office before the ‘I know mommy is here somewhere so why won’t she play with me’ meltdown occurs.”

  • Erin McKenrick, Brand Arsonist

Kyle's headshot Stay flexible.

“Not everyone has a dedicated office in their home; sometimes you have to share space with a spouse or set up in a corner of the basement (hopefully downwind of the cat box). It may not be ideal but we’ve adjusted, we’ll keep going and we’ll get through this!”

  • Kyle Krier, Design Arsonist

Inga's headshotTalk face-to-face over video calls.

“As someone who has been a remote worker for more than 10 years, the transition in March was less dramatic for me than for some of my fellow Arsonists. As the rest of the office transitioned to the remote setting, I suddenly started to spend the majority of my days on video calls. In the past, I was usually the only one on the phone – with the rest of the team in the office. Over the last 10 months, I’ve found myself talking “face to face” with the whole crew in group video calls. It took a while to get used to being on camera so frequently, but I’ve come to really like it. There really is something to be said about seeing the person you’re talking to rather than just hearing their voice.”

  • Inga Rundquist, PR Arsonist

Rachel's headshot See the positives.

“I love working from home. Some things I like about it are saving money by not having to drive to an office each day, wearing my comfiest clothes and sometimes snuggling up with a blanket if I want to, chats with coworkers on Teams, and sometimes I just like to sing.”

  • Rachel Bearinger, Social Arsonist

Kerri's headshot Set a schedule.

“Identify a work schedule and stay with it, so you can enjoy non-work time as well. I had a workspace from a previous job, but I made some updates. One big advantage is I love lunch with my children when they are home. “

  • Kerri Tompkins, Accounting Arsonist

Tony's headshotCrank the music.

“I’ve been working from home for most of my career. One thing I miss most when going into the office is the ability to really crank up MY music anytime I want it, and I definitely get deeper into the programming zone with energizing music. If everyone’s out of the house, take advantage of this time to enjoy YOUR preferred genres and artists and work at your absolute peak without the bulky headphones or poor-sounding earbuds.”

  • Tony Nagy, Digital Arsonist

Amy's headshotSee the light at the end of the tunnel.

“I miss the good mojo of our office. It’s not just the cool interior (and the bar) that creates the positive vibes you feel when you walk in. It’s the seriously talented, fun and kind people that make it happen for our clients. I am looking forward to seeing all those faces.”

  • Amy Behning, Brand Arsonist

There you have it. Our Arsonists are working full-steam ahead on a number of creative projects – even if it’s in the comfort of their homes. If you need help firing up your marketing efforts, drop us a line.

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MindFire Team

This post was written by members of the MindFire gang.