
TED announces 2012 “Ads Worth Spreading” winners

March 2, 2012 | Inga Rundquist

You’ve heard of TED, right? Well every year, the organization that is dedicated to “ideas worth spreading,” identifies the year’s top Ads Worth Spreading.

Ads Worth Spreading is designed to recognize and reward innovation, ingenuity and intelligence in advertising – the ads that people want to see, and share with their friends. It’s an interesting study in what makes ideas powerful and irresistible enough to begin a domino effect as they are passed around to friends.

This is the second year for the contest, and just like last year, the organization chose more un-ad-like advertisements that are much lengthier than your typical TV commercial – and often never appear on TV at all.

Check out the list of winners – we think these are pretty stellar! Here are some of our favorites:

Rethink Breast Cancer: Your Man Reminder

Prudential – Day One: Linda

Engagement Citoyen: The Return of Ben Ali

Inga Rundquist

Inga Rundquist

Inga Rundquist is a Social Media & PR Director at MindFire. When she’s not dreaming up ideas that will generate publicity, you can find her knee deep in the social media world, also known as the next PR frontier.