MindFire Communications, Inc.
Your bottom line depends on your brand

Your bottom line depends on your brand

February 23, 2024 | Amy Behning

If you want to build your bottom line, start with a brand assessment. Take stock of the three elements of a strong brand: audience understanding, messaging and visual identity.  

Does your brand need a podcast?

March 29, 2023 | MindFire Team

Podcasts open up opportunities for content creators to reach new audiences in a more intimate, long-format way. And it no longer requires access to expensive studio equipment. We take stock of the environment, considering reasons why you should and shouldn’t jump on the podcast bandwagon.

mindfire communications, mindfire, case levigne, brand, brand apologies

Brand apologies – We’re sorry. Please forgive us.

September 6, 2018 | MindFire Team

Social media increases brand communication challenges because everyone has a voice and subsequently an opinion they would like to express. Some of the biggest brands like Uber, Facebook and Wells Fargo have come under fire as of late for misusing user data, misrepresenting services and sexual harassment claims and accounts of rider-driver violence.

brand voice, mindfirecommunications, marketing, branding, brand voice, caroline alternbern

Find your brand voice in 3 steps

January 16, 2018 | Caroline Schweitzer

Close your eyes and imagine your brand’s voice. What do you hear? If you’re not sure what you hear you should spend some time tending to the vocal box of your company’s voice.

So you think you need a new website…

October 30, 2017 | Caroline Schweitzer

While the chances are good that your website needs a fresh redesign (what? No one uses Flash anymore?), it could also indicate that your company’s overall branding and marketing efforts could use some attention, too.

branding, marketing, simple brands, brand, mindfire communications, lynn manternach

The best brands are simple: Revisited

September 19, 2016 | Lynn Manternach, Ph.D.

Simple brand ideas result in powerful and memorable branding that people immediately connect with. Those ideas have to make it clear that the brand is different and relevant to their needs.

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