MindFire Communications, Inc.
Grill the Arsonist – Chloe R.

Grill the Arsonist – Chloe R.

February 17, 2023 | MindFire Team

As a Brand Arsonist, Chloe knows smart marketing strategies build brand loyalty. Chloe shares the source of her inspiration in this edition of “Grill the Arsonist.”

Hand flipping through magazine

Selecting media metrics that matter

June 3, 2021 | James Patrick Schmidt

The trick with building a media plan, and a successful measurement plan to go with it, is to select the metrics that matter for your business before picking your ad placements.

branding, marketing, advertising, mindfire communications, lynn manternach

Should you be branding, marketing or advertising?

June 6, 2017 | Lynn Manternach, Ph.D.

The differences between branding, marketing and advertising can be confusing. The terms are increasingly used interchangeably, which only adds to the confusion. All three are important, but for different reasons. So what is the difference between branding, marketing and advertising?

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