The benefits of a brand style guide
July 22, 2014 | Lynn Manternach, Ph.D.
Maintaining brand consistency is not easy. It doesn’t matter whether your company is a startup with just one employee or a corporate giant; you need a set of branding guidelines and rules to maintain a consistent identity.
Mobile email marketing: flirting with the tipping point
July 7, 2014 | Kristin Stires
The Radicati Group reports approximately 182.9 billion emails were sent worldwide each day in 2013. Yep, that’s billion with a “b.”
What’s your one thing?
June 9, 2014 | Lynn Manternach, Ph.D.
Your share of brand space in the customer’s mind gets boiled down to one thing. Seriously – just one.
Are you ready for the Internet of Things?
May 27, 2014 | Inga Rundquist
Pew respondents painted a pretty interesting picture of how the Internet of Things will evolve in the next 11 years ...
CBJ to MindFire: you’re growing – fast!
May 20, 2014 | Inga Rundquist
MindFire Communications named to CBJ list for third time in 4 years.
Boost your bottom line with customer insight
May 15, 2014 | Lynn Manternach, Ph.D.
Understanding customers isn’t just about improving the effectiveness of marketing activities. It should be about gathering the market intelligence needed to improve business activities across the board.