
Big brands for small businesses
A lot of people think branding is something for big companies. Something that requires a high-priced agency and a huge budget. Not so. Branding is not advertising. It's not a logo. It's strategy.

Get creative juices flowing for campaigns that will generate buzz
We live in a buzz culture, where the best kind of exposure often comes from word of mouth. Word of mouth is the type of publicity that will fire up your sales and ignite brand recognition.

Your brand is what the consumer says it is
When it comes to making decisions about which product or service to purchase, who do you trust? Newspaper articles? TV ads? Company web sites?

Brand equity is more important than ever
The shaky economy has prompted consumers to make some tough purchasing decisions. But when it comes to brands consumers are loyal to, those decisions are pretty straightforward.

Avoid the most common branding mistakes
A solid brand can be the difference between business success and failure - especially in this economy. A strong brand helps you stand out from your competitors, adds value to your product or services, and helps you connect with your consumers.

Branding during an economic downturn
A recent EquiTrend study by Harris Interactive revealed that when the goin' gets tough, consumers tighten their grip on brands they are loyal to, instead of gravitating towards the product with the lowest price.

Roast Pork: 7 Lessons in Crisis Communication
What the recent swine flu outbreak and the resulting pangs of the pork industry teach us, is that there is no substitute for careful listening and quick action. You can NEVER be too prepared when it comes to upholding your brand's reputation in the market

Has your brand adapted to the new marketing model?
The traditional marketing and branding model is changing. The standard model was a "one-to-many" proposition, where you try to get your message to as many people as possible.

MindFire Measurable Marketing Manifesto
Unless your marketing dollars grow on trees, a big part of your job as a marketing professional is about validating your budget to your superiors - especially in an economy such as this one.

5 tips for successfully marketing to women
Did you know that 85% of all purchases are made by women? That doesn't mean you need to create a separate brand or marketing campaign to reach women. What you need is a smarter marketing strategy.

Five marketing mistakes you can’t afford to make
As budgets tighten, some businesses are looking at ways to cut back on marketing. A better idea is to look at how to make your marketing work better. If you can find a more efficient approach, you may be able to trim your marketing budget.

Looking for ways to connect with your customers?
One of the most compelling aspects of marketing in the digital age is the ability to connect with your customers. Technology has made it possible to engage your audience and get them to interact with your brand in a very powerful way.