Measuring marketing success – three articles to get you started
August 8, 2016 | MindFire Team
In marketing, defining success is a critical component to any campaign. And while it’s easy to ask the question, coming up with an answer can often feel like convincing a posse of teenagers to give up their cell phones for a day. (Translation – it’s hard. Real hard!)
Heed the dangers of tone-deaf marketing
July 24, 2016 | Inga Rundquist
The world of social media has led to some pretty amazing interactive campaigns. (See here, here and here for some examples.) But as marketers we know that “the internet” can also tear poorly-judged campaigns to shreds … and they can do so very quickly and VERY publicly. Ironically, the worst campaign can get just as […]
Grill the Arsonist: Meet Bri
July 11, 2016 | MindFire Team
We knew she was a catch from her time spent as Intern Arsonist last summer, so we snagged her off the market immediately. Think she’s got what it takes to be grilled??? Read on…
All things RESEARCH – our most popular articles about brand and market research
June 20, 2016 | MindFire Team
As a marketer, you’re always trying to figure out what makes your target audience tick. Sometimes that’s obvious. Most of the time, it’s not. At MindFire, we believe in the power of research.
5 exercises that will make you a marketing hotshot
June 6, 2016 | Inga Rundquist
Imagine an up and coming marketing rock star were to take over your job tomorrow – what are the things she would do to get a grip on your marketing program and measure the strength of your brand?
Grill the Arsonist: Meet Amy B.
May 16, 2016 | MindFire Team
Ready to grill another Arsonist? This edition’s “victim?” Amy Behning, brand arsonist and co-owner at MindFire. We peppered Amy with some our best questions yet!