A simple strategy to enhance your engagement on Facebook
April 24, 2018 | Inga Rundquist
In addition to creating amazing, kick-arse content that resonates with your audience, one way to encourage engagement is to become very proactive about engaging your community in conversations.
How to create a positive ad experience
April 10, 2018 | James Patrick Schmidt
As a media buyer, I’m constantly evaluating and re-evaluating media outlets for reach, frequency, impressions and engagement. This type of analysis is important when making decisions about where to spend your ad dollars – but it’s not the only thing you should think about when creating a media campaign...
6 things I’ve learned managing social media programs for clients…
February 1, 2018 | Inga Rundquist
I’ve spent a fair amount of my time over the past nine years helping MindFire clients develop, manage and measure social media marketing programs. Here are a few things I’ve learned that just might save you a headache or two…
Find your brand voice in 3 steps
January 16, 2018 | Caroline Schweitzer
Close your eyes and imagine your brand’s voice. What do you hear? If you’re not sure what you hear you should spend some time tending to the vocal box of your company’s voice.
Our favorite campaigns from 2017
January 2, 2018 | MindFire Team
There are few things we love more than a fantastic marketing campaign, and 2017 brought some genius creations from brands we know and love. We asked a few of our Arsonists to tell us their favorites, and they didn’t disappoint…
How does your brand feel – a deep dive
December 13, 2017 | MindFire Team
Do you still hear the phrase “print is dead?” Pair that with the struggles in the newspaper industry and the dramatic rise of online advertising and we are likely to believe it. However, print is still a very relevant medium for your brand – and your brain – and there is scientific evidence to support it.