
MindFire takes Best of Show at Cedar Rapids-Iowa City ADDY Awards 2 years in a row

March 5, 2013 | Inga Rundquist


MindFire was awarded with the coveted Best of Show award at the annual American Advertising Federation: Cedar Rapids-Iowa City ADDY Awards Gala last month for its work on the Hitachi brand campaign. This was the second year in a row MindFire received the organization’s Best of Show ADDY.

MindFire also took home 15 other awards: three Best of Category awards, five Gold ADDY awards and seven Silver ADDY awards.

“We are incredibly proud of this recognition and are so thankful to our amazing clients who allow us to do this type of work for them,” said Lynn Manternach, president and co-owner of MindFire. “It’s truly humbling to be recognized by your peers for your work.”

ADDY awards included:

Best of Show

Hitachi – Integrated Brand Campaign, integrated campaigns

Best of Category

BWC Companies – Dirty Work Army Brochure, collateral material

MidWestOne Bank – “You’re the One” Radio, radio

Hitachi – Integrated Brand Campaign, integrated campaigns

Gold ADDYs

Hitachi – MINExpo Trade Show Exhibit, sales promotion/trade show exhibit

BWC Companies – Dirty Work Army Brochure, collateral material/brochure

MidWestOne Bank – You’re the One Radio, radio/local campaign

BWC Companies – Dirty Work Army Campaign, integrated campaigns/B-to-B local

Hitachi – Integrated Brand Campaign, integrated campaigns/B-to-B regional/national

Silver ADDYs

Mississippi River Distilling Company – Cody Road Poster, sales promotion/counter top or attached

Sears Seating – Technology Brochure, collateral material/brochure

Hitachi – Brand Campaign Intro Ad, consumer or trade publication/spread, multiple page or insert, 4-color

Hitachi – Focus Brand Ad Campaign, consumer or trade publication/campaign 4-color

APQS – APQS Website, digital advertising/websites, consumer, products

MindFire – The Site Before Christmas, advertising industry self-promotion/integrated campaign

Iowa Tug Fest – Logo, elements of advertising/logo

Inga Rundquist

Inga Rundquist

Inga Rundquist is a Social Media & PR Director at MindFire. When she’s not dreaming up ideas that will generate publicity, you can find her knee deep in the social media world, also known as the next PR frontier.