MindFire bottle designs win MicroLiquor Spirit awards
The searing hot bottle designs for Mississippi River Distilling Company have won yet another award by an industry organization.
MicroLiquor Corporation announced earlier this month that it has awarded Mississippi River Distilling Company with a total of six MicroLiquor Spirit Awards including:
- River Baron White Spirit – BronzeMedal in Package & Design
- River Pilot Vodka – BronzeMedal in Package & Design
- River Rose Gin – BronzeMedal in Package & Design
In addition to the recognition for packaging and design, all three spirits also received silver medals in the taste category.
The 2011competition was the award’s inaugural year and attracted a remarkable 207 brands from around the world. Sponsored by Flowdesign, it is the world’s first spirits competition for small brands selling under 50,000 9-liter cases.
MicroLiquor isn’t the only one that has recognized the design. Lovely Package blog has featured the packaging on its website. The bottle labels have also won a Gold ADDY award at the Quad City Advertising Federation Addy Award ceremony, received a Flexographic award and will be included in an upcoming issue of Package magazine.