
Grill the Arsonist: Sarah L

November 30, 2018 | MindFire Team

Sarah Larson

A Quad Cities native, Sarah Larson joined the MindFire team this fall as a Public Relations Arsonist. She recently wrapped up working at Universal Orlando Resort. And we’re pretty thrilled she’s here at MindFire – Sarah’s a PR ninja who’s a valuable asset to our clients. She’ll find all sorts of ways to get the media to cover your brand.

Let’s see what she had to say for herself when the interview is turned on her! 😊

How did you end up in the PR field?

I started as a journalism major at the University of Iowa and was heavily involved with our PRSSA chapter. I like the ability to be creative and make connections. It’s such a thrill to put on my reporter hat and think through new ways to tell a brand’s story or latest news. I love securing great placements.

What is one of your all-time favorite PR campaigns?

I seriously loved the devil baby stunt for the film Devil’s Due. I don’t even really like horror films (well I like them, but I also like sleeping), but there’s something about watching people get scared that’s always fun. I remember this had excellent media coverage too.

Do you have a secret talent we don’t know about yet?

I don’t think my Arsonist colleagues understand just how much I know about films. I’m a massive pop culture fanatic, and I quote movies regularly. They probably don’t understand when I’m quoting a movie…if you want to challenge me, just let me know. I’m ready!

Public relations vs. Marketing. What is one thing you wish marketers understood about PR?

I hope they understand the value of PR. It’s difficult to measure perception. Maybe an audience didn’t feel any negativity towards a brand because PR had a crisis plan in-place or maybe the audience feels really positive about a brand due to the hard work of a comprehensive PR plan. You can’t put a number on that, yet it is so critical in today’s marketing landscape full of savvy consumers.

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This post was written by members of the MindFire gang.