
Grill the Arsonist: Inga

May 31, 2018 | MindFire Team

Inga Rundquist Bio

We’re turning the tables… for this installment of “Grill the Arsonist,” the interview-er is now the interview-ee!

PR Arsonist and Co-Owner, Inga Rundquist, has been runnin’ with the MindFire gang since she was a youngin’ – she interned with co-founders Erik, Mike and Lynn as a college student and worked with a handful of now-MindFire Arsonists in her first full time position.! When MindFire opened its doors in 2007, Inga was one of the first people we called, and the rest is history. What can we say? We know talent when we see it!

At MindFire, Inga moves mountains to create content for our clients’ social programs. When she’s not online, you’ll find her dreaming up ideas that will generate publicity, writing, driving our clients’ PR strategies or reading anything she can get her hands on.

Let’s hear what she had to say…

Best advice you’ve ever received?

Best advice… EVER? Oh boy, not sure where to start with that one. Best professional advice would probably be, “Cut it by 50 percent.” That’s something MindFire Co-Founder Mike Smith said to me back when I was still an intern. I must have sent him some copy that was crazy long, because he simply responded with that directive. Writing tight – especially when it comes to ad copy – can be very hard. It’s easy to ramble and write “around” what you’re actually trying to say. So that’s a mantra that’s definitely stuck in my head ever since. (I feel like I should go back and cut this answer in half…gah…it never ends!)

Worst advice you’ve ever received?

I can honestly say I don’t remember. And I’m glad. Bad advice isn’t something you should internalize.

You’re married with two kids – 3 and 5. Using one word, how would you describe your family?


You’ve had your hands in a lot of different projects. What’s your favorite type?

My favorite types of projects are those that involve a level of creative freedom that isn’t bound by a rigid framework. It’s a big responsibility when a client trusts you with their brand – and all of us here at MindFire are very aware of that responsibility and take it very seriously. When clients trust you enough to allow you to push the creative boundaries a bit, that’s an even bigger deal. It doesn’t happen very often – because those types of projects are few and far between – but when it does, that’s where the real sparks fly!

Favorite blogger you follow?

I have a pretty unhealthy obsession with fashion bloggers on Instagram. And that’s pretty ironic given that I’m probably one of the least fashionable people ever, plus I spend a good chunk of my days in my jammies, since I work from home. But I became hooked on a few early on and have watched them grow as a result of the surge in influencer marketing. A few are Living in Yellow, Mrs. Casual and Putting Me Together.

You’re one of three MindFire Arsonists who work remotely. What’s it like working from your home?

Mostly, it’s been a positive experience. It’s definitely not for everyone, and it requires lots of self-discipline, but I’ve always been impressed with MindFire’s approach to “hire brains, not bodies.” On the positive side – my commute is super short, I don’t need to dress up and I don’t get interrupted as frequently as someone who is in the office. On the negative side – since most of my “human” interactions are online, it can get lonely.

Where do you find inspiration?

I read a lot. Mostly fiction, but I dabble in non-fiction from time to time. I came across this poet called Nayyirah Waheed last year and have found her work to be super inspiring. Poets are the masters of writing tight. I’m also constantly screenshotting campaigns that I see on social platforms or online that I think are well done.

This August marks your 10-YEAR anniversary at MindFire. What keeps you around?

Ten years – that’s pretty crazy, isn’t it? What’s the traditional 10-year anniversary gift? Probably paper or wood or something along those lines…maybe we can make a paper flame piñata? Or whittle a wooden replica of the MindFire gang?

The things that have kept me around for that long have been my fellow Arsonists as well as the projects I’ve had the opportunity to work on. There’s nothing quite like being able to work with a group of people that have a mutual respect for each other and have a passion for creativity. On top of that, one of the great things about working in an agency is being able to work with so many different clients in such different industries. MindFire Arsonists would really kill it in the pub trivia circuit – we’d have everyone beat, hands down!

Visit our team page to meet the rest of the Arsonists.

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MindFire Team

This post was written by members of the MindFire gang.