
Grill the Arsonist: Meet Bri

July 11, 2016 | MindFire Team

Bri Aust, grill the arsonist, mindfire communications

Next up to be grilled is our newest Arsonist, Bri! Bri is a recent graduate of the University of Northern Iowa, and she was born and raised right here in the Quad Cities. We knew she was a catch from her time spent as Intern Arsonist last summer, so we snagged her off the market immediately. Think she’s got what it takes to be grilled??? Read on…

Ok. Let’s start with an easy one. You’re a recent college grad. What made you choose a career in public relations?

My first few years of college, I was considered an undecided major. After some reflecting on my strengths and what I enjoy doing, I decided talking – that is what I’m good at! Turns out, there’s not exactly a career where you sit around and chat with people. Communication seemed like the closest option. I like to communicate with others, find out what makes them tick and what messages connect with them – hence I landed in public relations and marketing. BOOM!

What did you want to be when you were a kid thinking about what you wanted to be when you grew up?

As a child I wanted to be a teacher – LOL. It’s best for all parties involved that I did not take this path. Total respect to all the teachers out there!

What’s your proudest moment on the job so far?

My journey at MindFire started as a summer intern. The folks at MindFire saw something in me during my internship that made them take a leap of faith and hire on as a full time Arsonist – that was a very proud moment for me.

What’s the most embarrassing/funny story you have from the job so far?

I don’t know if I’ve had this moment quite yet – but I can throw Media Arsonist, Tara under the bus! The day her bag of popcorn lit on fire and she nearly blew up the microwave was a hilarious moment. We start fires here at MindFire – literally. 😉

How different is a full-time job from the college lifestyle?

I have to wake up before noon. There are no naps. There’s less booze – kind of – I like to think the transition was easier considering my first full time job has an Inspiration Bar.

If you could pick a single aspect of college life to bring with you throughout the rest of your adult life, what would it be?

I always found adventure in college. Once things got boring, I found new ways to push myself to new levels and make life fun! I will definitely bring this adventurous spirit through life.

Is there anything you would like to tell teenage Bri?

Yes. We’ll leave it at that. Ha.

Would you rather…

Live on a boat or a plane for the rest of your life? – Boat! (Cue The Lonely Island)

Eat breakfast for every meal or dinner? – Dinner. Breakfast food makes me queasy, oddly enough.

Be a super famous celebrity and have every person on earth know your name, or only have one person know your name? – One person, hopefully they’re tolerable. 🙂

Be 10 forever or be 21 forever? – One year being 21 was enough for me!

Be able to hear other people’s thoughts constantly or have everybody know your thoughts? – Oh my, that’s a hard one. Probably have everyone know my thoughts, I usually say them out loud anyway.

Lose $5000 or all of your phone contacts? – Is this even a question? I’m fresh outta college, take my phone contacts!

Give up shopping for 6 months or give up texting for 6 months? – Texting.

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MindFire Team

This post was written by members of the MindFire gang.