
Looking for ways to connect with your customers?
January 30, 2009 | Inga Rundquist
One of the most compelling aspects of marketing in the digital age is the ability to connect with your customers. Technology has made it possible to engage your audience and get them to interact with your brand in a very powerful way.
Focus on the customer’s experience to build your brand
October 18, 2008 | Inga Rundquist
There's been a powerful shift in control over the past eight years or so. Marketers used to be in control. They would shape advertising campaigns to influence how consumers viewed their products or services.
The brand bond
March 28, 2008 | Inga Rundquist
We all have relationships with brands. During branding workshops, I ask participants to name the brands they've encountered so far that day. Participants often mention some of the same brands: Starbucks, Crest, Apple, Dell, Toyota, BP, Google, and Pepsi.