
Brand apologies – We’re sorry. Please forgive us.
Social media increases brand communication challenges because everyone has a voice and subsequently an opinion they would like to express. Some of the biggest brands like Uber, Facebook and Wells Fargo have come under fire as of late for misusing user data, misrepresenting services and sexual harassment claims and accounts of rider-driver violence.

What it’s like to be a MindFire Intern Arsonist …
What's it like to be an intern at MindFire? Our very own Macey Harms shares her experiences...

Grill the Arsonist: Inga
We’re turning the tables… for this installment of “Grill the Arsonist,” the interview-er is now the interview-ee! Let's see what she had to say...

Trouble writing? Start where the reader starts…
If you’ve been tasked with writing copy and you don’t know where to begin, “start where the reader starts” reminds us to think about what the consumer of the information would want. Looking at your brand through your customers’ eyes is an important exercise for any writer.

Combine PR with social media for powerful results
In today’s digital and online world, a significant component of marketing is social media. By combining traditional PR tactics with strategic social media efforts, you can ignite awareness and begin to convert prospects. We show you how with this example....

Are you being REAL with customers? The value of getting personal…
How well do your customers know you? Not just your brand but YOU … you as a person? How much do you share of your personal life, not only on social media, but in person? And are those messages consistent?

How to use Facebook to make your events a success
While the traditional methods of promoting events are still valid, social media has proven to be an incredibly powerful tool to fire up event attendance. The results are impressive considering the cost of advertising on social media, especially when compared to more traditional methods of advertising.

How to carve out a solid position in the marketplace
Standing out in a crowded market can be quite a challenge. This is especially true in a parity market where everyone seems to offer and claim the same things. However, if you can identify and develop a strong brand identity, you’ll soon be on your way. You just have to keep in mind certain branding essentials…

MindFire recognized with 15 American Advertising Awards
Sparks flew at the 49th Annual American Advertising Awards in Cedar Rapids this weekend when MindFire was recognized with a total of 15 Addy awards. Awards included one judge’s choice, three best in category, six gold and five silver awards.

The best brands are simple: Revisited
Simple brand ideas result in powerful and memorable branding that people immediately connect with. Those ideas have to make it clear that the brand is different and relevant to their needs.

Grill the Arsonist: Meet Kristin
We convinced Kristin she was destined to become an Arsonist about three years ago. Shortly after, she and her husband packed their bags, loaded up their two fur babies and headed to the Quad Cities!

Leslie Jones and the story of NBC’s real-time marketing success
In today’s digital branding world, speed and agility are decisive competitive advantages. Being able to recognize a marketing opportunity and being able to act on that opportunity quickly can become a game changer for your brand.