MindFire Communications, Inc.
Trouble writing? Start where the reader starts…
start where the reader starts, inga rundquist, mindfire communications, mindfire, writing, marketing, public relations

Trouble writing? Start where the reader starts…

June 29, 2017 | Inga Rundquist

If you’ve been tasked with writing copy and you don’t know where to begin, “start where the reader starts” reminds us to think about what the consumer of the information would want. Looking at your brand through your customers’ eyes is an important exercise for any writer.

branding, marketing, advertising, mindfire communications, lynn manternach

Should you be branding, marketing or advertising?

June 6, 2017 | Lynn Manternach, Ph.D.

The differences between branding, marketing and advertising can be confusing. The terms are increasingly used interchangeably, which only adds to the confusion. All three are important, but for different reasons. So what is the difference between branding, marketing and advertising?

whitney carnahan, mindfire communications, fleet feet davenport, social media, real, branding

Are you being REAL with customers? The value of getting personal…

May 22, 2017 | MindFire Team

How well do your customers know you? Not just your brand but YOU … you as a person? How much do you share of your personal life, not only on social media, but in person? And are those messages consistent?

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The Good, the Bad and the Ugly – The effect of music

January 9, 2017 | MindFire Team

Music can create a powerful, nuanced emotional state. It can communicate feelings in a particular moment, the mood of a scene or the overall spot's tone. And it does it in a way that’s impossible with any other tools.

The emotional stages of getting your marketing budget approved – a GIF guide

October 17, 2016 | Inga Rundquist

It’s budgeting season – a time that makes us marketers buzz with excitement at the prospect of bigger and better marketing initiatives while simultaneously cringing in fear of endless meetings and “but-it’s-worth-it” conversations. Amiright?

branding, marketing, simple brands, brand, mindfire communications, lynn manternach

The best brands are simple: Revisited

September 19, 2016 | Lynn Manternach, Ph.D.

Simple brand ideas result in powerful and memorable branding that people immediately connect with. Those ideas have to make it clear that the brand is different and relevant to their needs.

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