
Hit the emotional hot button for your brand
November 23, 2015 | MindFire Team
Practicality can play an important role in the decision-making process, but most of the time it is emotion that powers our decisions to act.
Make simplicity part of your brand
October 29, 2015 | MindFire Team
It’s a complex world out there. We are inundated with thousands of branding messages every day. It can be overwhelming. As marketers, we’re trying to figure out how to cut through the chaos to get consumers to pay attention to what we want to say about our brand.
MindFire listed as one of Inc. magazine’s 500/5000 Fastest Growing Companies for third time
August 12, 2015 | Inga Rundquist
For the third time in as many years, Inc. magazine has named MindFire Communications one of the fastest-growing privately-held companies in America. The annual listing placed MindFire, with offices in LeClaire and Cedar Rapids, in the 3,960th spot in the country, and 18th spot in the state of Iowa. The third straight appearance on the list […]
Eight attributes of a hot brand
June 4, 2015 | MindFire Team
The economy is finally showing signs of warming up. How’s your brand doing? Does it have the sizzle needed to connect with consumers in a cluttered marketplace? Are you fueling the right brand experience, firing up employee engagement and sparking consumer loyalty? Here are the top characteristics of hot brands to help you fan the […]
MindFire recognized as CBJ Fastest Growing Company for 4th time
May 19, 2015 | Inga Rundquist
For the 4th time since 2012, the gang of MindFire Arsonists has been recognized as one of the Fastest Growing Companies by the Corridor Business Journal. Out of the 25 companies that were honored at the event, MindFire was ranked 19th with a growth of 50.87 percent. In 2013, MindFire was ranked 25th, in 2012, it ranked […]
MindFire earns 15 American Advertising Awards from American Advertising Federation
March 2, 2015 | Inga Rundquist
MindFire Communications had a smokin’ hot showing at the annual American Advertising Awards Gala by winning 15 awards, including the top honor of Best of Show, three Judge’s Choice Awards and two Best of Category Awards. “We are incredibly proud of this recognition, and we want to thank our clients for trusting us with their […]
5 tips for sizzlin’ online videos
January 27, 2015 | Kristin Stires
From empowering messaging for girls to a giant spider dog … if it seems like online videos are everywhere these days, it’s because they are. Audiences are shifting to prefer video over other content, and according to this MarketingProfs article, 2015 will be the year of video marketing! So let’s talk about the power of online video marketing. But first, […]
Are you using curiosity to drive brand engagement?
November 12, 2014 | MindFire Team
Why do we get hooked so easily by questions? We see headlines like, “What does your eye color say about you?” and instantly feel the need to click to learn more. The answer: Curiosity! Once piqued, it becomes a relentless force that must be satisfied. A natural instinct that stimulates and drives behavior and relationships. […]
It’s a visual world. Show your story.
October 27, 2014 | MindFire Team
Visual storytelling has been with us since the days of cave drawings, and it’s not going away. The platforms evolve over time, but the power of visuals to engage, inform and motivate remains constant. Are you using visual content in your marketing efforts? I’m talking about photos, infographics, graphs and charts, cartoons and comics, maps, videos and more. This is the content consumers are craving, consuming and sharing.
MindFire named to Inc. magazine’s 500|5000 Fastest Growing Companies for second time
August 22, 2014 | Inga Rundquist
For the second time in two years, Inc.magazine has named MindFire Communications one of the fastest-growing privately-held companies in America.
Is it time for the truth?
August 11, 2014 | MindFire Team
Your brand isn’t what you say it is. It’s what your customers say it is. You need to hear the truth from them. It’s risky to assume that you know everything about your customers or that your intuition is spot on.
The benefits of a brand style guide
July 22, 2014 | MindFire Team
Maintaining brand consistency is not easy. It doesn’t matter whether your company is a startup with just one employee or a corporate giant; you need a set of branding guidelines and rules to maintain a consistent identity.