
A simple strategy to enhance your engagement on Facebook
In addition to creating amazing, kick-arse content that resonates with your audience, one way to encourage engagement is to become very proactive about engaging your community in conversations.

How to create a positive ad experience
As a media buyer, I’m constantly evaluating and re-evaluating media outlets for reach, frequency, impressions and engagement. This type of analysis is important when making decisions about where to spend your ad dollars – but it’s not the only thing you should think about when creating a media campaign...

Find your brand voice in 3 steps
Close your eyes and imagine your brand’s voice. What do you hear? If you’re not sure what you hear you should spend some time tending to the vocal box of your company’s voice.

Our favorite campaigns from 2017
There are few things we love more than a fantastic marketing campaign, and 2017 brought some genius creations from brands we know and love. We asked a few of our Arsonists to tell us their favorites, and they didn’t disappoint…

Instagram Stories – what marketers need to know
The disappearing video and images that were made popular by Snapchat – and are now exploding on Instagram Stories – may disappear from your feed in 24 hours, but it looks like the medium warrants a more permanent spot in brands’ marketing mix.

So you think you need a new website…
While the chances are good that your website needs a fresh redesign (what? No one uses Flash anymore?), it could also indicate that your company’s overall branding and marketing efforts could use some attention, too.

Grill the Arsonist: Kyle
It’s that time again! This month we’re delving deeper into the mind of Kyle Krier, Design Arsonist and Co-owner at MindFire to see what gets him fired up.

How to use Facebook to make your events a success
While the traditional methods of promoting events are still valid, social media has proven to be an incredibly powerful tool to fire up event attendance. The results are impressive considering the cost of advertising on social media, especially when compared to more traditional methods of advertising.

360° media: opening up possibility
As a marketer, there are a lot of ways to take advantage of this new technology. It helps to be inspired by what others are doing. Here are just a few.

MindFire recognized with 15 American Advertising Awards
Sparks flew at the 49th Annual American Advertising Awards in Cedar Rapids this weekend when MindFire was recognized with a total of 15 Addy awards. Awards included one judge’s choice, three best in category, six gold and five silver awards.

Making good TV commercials on a scrappy budget
If you’re annoyed by all the bad TV commercials out there, you should be. Just about everyone else is annoyed by them, too. Sadly, there’s probably no quicker way to lower brand perception than creating low-budget TV spots. When was the last time you hired a lawyer who had TV commercials? Yep, never.

The Good, the Bad and the Ugly – The effect of music
Music can create a powerful, nuanced emotional state. It can communicate feelings in a particular moment, the mood of a scene or the overall spot's tone. And it does it in a way that’s impossible with any other tools.