
MindFire awarded 13 DAM awards, including Best of Show for second year in a row
April 12, 2013 | Inga Rundquist
The smokin’ gang of Arsonists took home a total of 13 DAM Awards.
You are invited to the content marketing party
April 10, 2013 | MindFire Team
You’ve probably heard content marketing is kind of a big deal. Everybody’s doing it. So, what exactly is it again?
Are you connecting your online and offline marketing?
March 20, 2013 | Inga Rundquist
All too often marketers get stuck creating distinct campaigns and content for print and digital without leveraging the power of both.
MindFire takes Best of Show at Cedar Rapids-Iowa City ADDY Awards 2 years in a row
March 5, 2013 | Inga Rundquist
MindFire was awarded with the coveted Best of Show award at the annual American Advertising Federation: Cedar Rapids-Iowa City ADDY Awards Gala last month.
Digital Brochures, eBrochures, Interactive Brochures – however you describe – is it a marketing technique that should be on your radar?
February 8, 2013 | Inga Rundquist
As we all know, people live the online life these days. They prefer to read news, shop and socialize online. So at MindFire, we’re always looking for ways to spark a connection with peoples’ lifestyles.
Now is the time to focus on your brand
January 16, 2013 | MindFire Team
Is this the year you really get serious about building your brand?
The value of simplicity
December 10, 2012 | MindFire Team
Consumers want simpler brand experiences now more than ever before.
Do you think like a rock star?
November 13, 2012 | MindFire Team
What's the difference between you and a rock star? It might be how you treat your customers.
4 things political campaign ads can teach us about marketing
October 24, 2012 | Inga Rundquist
Elections bring advertising - and especially TV spots - to the forefront, and we can learn a lot from them.
What’s your story?
October 22, 2012 | MindFire Team
Your brand's story has the potential to be much more than just filler for your website's "About Us" page. It could be your most powerful marketing tool.
American Bankers Association recognizes MidWestOne Bank’s campaign as hot!
September 3, 2012 | Inga Rundquist
MindFire work is featured in ABA Bank Marketing Magazine.
Branding vs. marketing
August 13, 2012 | MindFire Team
What's the difference between branding and marketing? The answer is more than just a matter of semantics. Ultimately, it's a matter of your bottom line.