MindFire Communications, Inc.
What [em]powers MindFire – a glance at our technology
What powers your storytelling

What [em]powers MindFire – a glance at our technology

November 18, 2019 | Tony Nagy

It seems like businesses often consider technology as a major burden – like it’s some unfortunate necessity. At MindFire, we embrace it because we know it's a conduit through which our [rather expansive] brand-building ideas can flow freely.

Your personal brand can help boost your business brand

June 28, 2019 | Lynn Manternach, Ph.D.

Your personal brand has the potential to add value to your organization’s brand. In fact, there’s often a very fine line between a company’s brand and the personal brands of its leadership and team.

When it comes to branding – research should come first

February 27, 2019 | MindFire Team

Use insights from research to drive strategy and recommendations. It takes the guesswork out of your decisions and provides you with the information you need to fine-tune your message and figure out how to truly connect with your audience. At no point is that research phase more important than when you’re building or refining your brand.

Your copy is only as good as your designer

December 17, 2018 | Caroline Schweitzer

You can have the best headline in the universe, but if the design and visual execution of the message isn’t awesome, it will fall flat. Design and copy must always work together to create an intentional and effective brand touchpoint.

mindfire communications, mindfire, case levigne, brand, brand apologies

Brand apologies – We’re sorry. Please forgive us.

September 6, 2018 | MindFire Team

Social media increases brand communication challenges because everyone has a voice and subsequently an opinion they would like to express. Some of the biggest brands like Uber, Facebook and Wells Fargo have come under fire as of late for misusing user data, misrepresenting services and sexual harassment claims and accounts of rider-driver violence.

caroline alterbern, content marketing, blog articles, content marketing strategy, mindfire communications, content

Evergreen content. Why you need it and why it’s beautiful.

July 25, 2018 | Caroline Schweitzer

In a world where Google is constantly updating its algorithm, competitors are outputting content and you’re growing weary of this seemingly never-ending content battle, what can you do? Enter “evergreen” content to save the day!

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