3 changes to Facebook pages that make marketing easier
Chances are you’ve probably heard that Facebook recently underwent another Facelift. And while some of the previous modifying, updating and sculpting over at Facebook have gone undetected, this change has turned more than just a few heads.
About a month ago, Facebook released one of the most anticipated updates for those who manage and administer pages for their businesses. According to Facebook, they’re designed to help you “manage communications, express yourself and increase engagement.”
And guess what? In our humble opinion, they actually do! Here are the deets:
You can now navigate and interact with other areas of Facebook as your page.
This means you can choose to receive notifications about fan activity, “like” and comment on other pages as your page, and get your own news feed where you can engage with the latest and most important news from other pages you like.
Here’s how it works: click on the “Account” drop-down menu in the top right corner and select the “Use Facebook as page” link.
Why does this matter? Well, it’s pretty simple really. By strategically going out and “liking” other pages (as in pages that your customers frequent) you will now be able to better connect with your target audience on Facebook through status updates, comments to other pages’ status updates, etc.
There are new opportunities to share.
You can now feature photos from recent experiences at the top of your page. This was also changed on personal pages, and has spurred some smokin’ creative executions by some people. Check them out here – you’re bound to be inspired for your page as well.
You can also highlight other pages you are connected with as well as the people who are managing your page.
There are new ways to make your page more engaging for your users.
Your fans are now able to filter content by “Top Posts,” which shows the most interesting stories first, or by “Most Recent,” which shows posts in chronological order. According to Facebook, the top posts gives posts with likes and comments more prominence, allowing a page’s own community to influence what user content visitors will see first.
That about sums it up – if you’ve got questions about the changes, don’t hesitate to contact us and we can talk you through them.
(You can read about the announcement here and view the new page manual here.)